
Forgotten memories behind closed doors

When coming across a ‘No Trespassing’ sign, I lose all ability to heed the warning, for such as sign appears to me like a neon light flashing ‘Welcome, come and explore.’ Yes, this has gotten me into trouble a few times but it also has provided me with opportunities to capture some incredible photographs, just like today’s photo essay “Forgotten memories behind closed doors.” 

Annex storage-workshop unit

This was no different when exploring six vacant but not abandoned structures in the small town of Pascadero. There was something about the main house as the late afternoon golden light engulfed the house and the surrounding trees that I had to stop and see if I could capture what I saw.

When I came to the last two structures I peeked through the cracks of the sliding door, I noticed that the latch lock was not secured, allowing me to enter. What I saw was nothing short of a photographers dream. 

It was as though time had come to a complete stop forty or more years ago and the light through the window that was covered thick sheet of plastic, creating a wondrous diffused soft light, which graced the cluttered work bench and the one of the walls.

Leaving the huge sliding door slightly open, I spent the next ninety minutes photographing this visual treasure that reminded me of a carefully staged still-life set by a seventeenth century Flemish painter.

A week later I returned with the anticipation that the storage-workshop was still accessible, while also timing it so that I would have more time to spend while the light remained favorable. And with a more visual objective in mind, including selecting a sequence for the different camera apps being employed, a major difference was that the iPhone 4S was now mounted to a tripod, using my DIFFCase.

1 comment:

marianne said...

das sind ganz wundervolle bilder, lieber egmont! was für eine entdeckung!

einen guten start in die woche und viele grüsse

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